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Breaking News in the World of Copyright: The Era of Mickey Mouse’s Copyright Ends⁉️

Why is Mickey Mouse in the Legal Spotlight?

Mickey Mouse, the beloved symbol of joy, magic, and imagination, has been under copyright protection since its creation.

On 1st January 2024, the copyright of the original 1928 version of Mickey Mouse in “Steamboat Willie”, an animated short film that was the first story that ever featured Mickey Mouse expired and entered the public domain.

However, the copyright expiration only pertains to the original 1928 version of Mickey Mouse in “Steamboat Willie”, while later versions and evolutions of the character are still protected by copyright law.

What Does Copyright Protection Entail?

Copyright protects original works, including literary, musical, and artistic works, as well as choreography, movies, films, sound recordings, broadcasts and more. Copyright protection grants creators exclusive rights to their original works, preventing others from unauthorized use.

???????? Copyright Protection in Malaysia: A Glimpse into Validity

In Malaysia, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus 50 years after their death. In the case of works with joint authorship, the duration is calculated based on the last surviving author.

Why Does Copyright Matter?

Copyright registration is required for copyright infringement suits as it provides a presumption of validity and constitutes prima facie evidence of ownership in court.

Copyright isn’t just about legal battles; it’s the cornerstone of fostering creativity. It encourages innovation by ensuring creators reap the rewards of their ingenuity.

Let’s Explore the World of Copyright Together!

Understanding the scope and duration of copyright is vital for creators to navigate the intellectual property realm in the ever-evolving tapestry of creativity!

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